We’re here to help you through it
Being arrested and charged with a crime is a serious matter. A conviction can result in lasting repercussions, from imprisonment to fines to reputational harm. When your freedom and future are on the line, that’s the time to contact the criminal defense lawyers at Lanzet and Associates, PC.
Our practice is dedicated to protecting the rights of criminal defendants throughout Suffolk County, New York. If you are facing criminal charges, the odds are stacked against you. Local, state, and federal prosecutors have access to vast financial and investigative resources that gives them an unfair advantage over the accused. Our criminal defense team has the skills and experience to level the playing field.
Regardless of the charges you are facing, we will provide you with powerful representation when you need it most. Our trial lawyers have a proven history of achieving positive outcomes in both state and federal court. Above all, we will always work in your best interests and fight for your rights. Contact our office today to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Contact us for a FREE consultation today.
Misdemeanor Defense
Knowing the consequences of a misdemeanor conviction and the best defenses to use in court is the job of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Some misdemeanor charges may even result in jail time, in addition to fines and other burdens, so it’s important to have the right advocate on your side.

Traffic Violations
If you have been charged with a traffic violation, you don’t have to simply pay the ticket and accept the consequences. We defend all types of traffic violations, including speeding, red light, cell phone and child seatbelts. If you’ve been issued a traffic or moving violation in New York then you should give us a call for a free case evaluation.
White Collar Crimes
White collar crimes typically involve financial crimes, cyber crimes, identity theft, health care fraud, insurance fraud, fraud in commercial matters & other nonviolent offenses. If you have been charged with a white collar crime or have been notified that you are under investigation due to an allegedly fraudulent claim and are concerned about potential liability, call us.
Violent Crimes
Assault cases come in many forms. Depending what the charge is may greatly impact the severity of your case. In the event you are charged with a violent crime, it is essential to retain a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer. Let us guide you in the right direction to help you get through this difficult time.
Property Crimes
Although these crimes are typically non-violent and do not carry overly harsh penalties, it is important to remember that any type of criminal conviction will cast a long shadow over your future. Do not just give up and accept a conviction! Instead, get help from experienced property crimes defense attorneys like Lanzet and Associates, PC.
Drug Crimes
Lanzet and Associates, PC. understand the nuances of state and federal laws and can seek to get your charges reduced or dismissed. We can assist people who need a marijuana possession attorney as well as those who are facing charges related to trafficking, conspiracy, paraphernalia, or offenses related to other drugs.
Expungements & Sealings
Sealing or expunging your criminal record can have great impact on your ability to obtain employment, housing, and other opportunities. Many people do not know that even arrests with no conviction create a criminal record. If you have questions about your criminal record, please call us and we can advise you on whether you should try to seal your record.
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